RUSSIA'S FAVOURABLE BALANCE IN FOREIGN TRADE MOSCOW, March 1, RIA Novosti correspondent Alla Isayeva - The favourable balance of Russia's foreign trade in 2000 topped 61 billion dollars, reported the Russian government information department. This result achieved in foreign trade created the prerequisites for improving the country's balance of payments and ensuring stability on the Russian hard currency market. Apart from that, this fact made it possible to service the country's debt commitments in time without attracting the money from international financial organisations. The favourable situation on the world commodity markets made it possible to increase exports - 105.2 billion dollars in 2000, 30 billion dollars more than in the previous year. The imports went up from 39.6 to 44.2 billion dollars. One of the basic tasks in Russia's foreign economic policy is to perfect the legislation on regulating foreign trade activity, taking into consideration the international legal norms in force. Apart from that, it is necessary to ensure the recognition of a market status of the Russian economy. It is important to continue forming a single economic space of Russia with Byelorussia within the framework of the Union State and to create conditions for deepening the economic integration with the member-countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is also necessary to complete the talks on the conditions of Russia's entry into the World Trade Organisation. It is necessary to increase exports of goods of a high degree of manufacturing and of hightech services. -O- (kos/var) 01/03/01 13:25