GOVERNMENT SUMS UP RUSSIA'S DEVELOPMENT IN 2000 MOSCOW, MARCH 1, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT DMITRI ZNAMENSKY/ -- Last year was most fruitful for Russia's economy over the past decade, but the Russian government can ensure stable economic growth by laying fundamentals over a short period of time. Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said this ahead of the government session to consider Russia's social and economic record of 2000 and to set tasks for this year. According to the premier, the 2001 plans call for completing the tax reform, and protecting the economy against the unjustified interference of the state. This matter will be prominent on the agenda of Friday's extraordinary session of the cabinet. Besides, Kasyanov noted that customs policy and natural monopolies reform should be completed, and the anti-monopolistic line finally shaped. "All this largely determines the economic growth rate in the country," said the premier. The Cabinet is also to decide on a most painful sphere of the Russian economy-the municipal service reform, stated Mikhail Kasyanov.