Department of Software Technology
Vienna University of Technology
The SOMeJB Music Digital Library - Experiments
Below we provide some experimental results of music organization using the SOMeJB system. In some cases the presented maps can be explored interactively and links to the MP3 files used are provided.
Please note, however, that due to copyright reasons (as well as disc space and network traffic requirements), we do NOT PROVIDE THE FULL MP3 FILES, but only excerpts of a few seconds length in a down-sampled version of about phone-line quality. However, the provided excerpts should be sufficient to provide an idea of the organization based on musical style provided by the SOMeJB system.
- SOMeJB Prototype 2
- Collection 77: For the experiments provided in this section we use a subset of the Collection 359, consisting of only 77 pieces of music. Several hierarchical and flat maps are available for interactive exploration, including links to MP3-files allowing you to listen to excerpts from the pieces of music. This allows you to interactively evaluate the performance of the stylistic organization.
If you want to get a feeling for the performance and the characteristics of the SOMeJB system, we recommend you take a look at this experiment set, as due to its smaller size it is somewhat easier to explore, and detailed descriptions of the various clusters are provided
- Collection 359: A large collection of 359 pieces of popular music from a variety of genres is used as a basis for the experiments presented in this section. Data files, maps, as well as detailed descriptions of the various musical styles detected by the map are presented, and links to MP3-files allow you to analyze the map's organization interactively.
- Collection 335: A rather large collection of 335 pieces of music organized manually into 4 main genres, which are furthermore subdivided into 14 sub-categories. Contrary to other settings, this sub-collection does not try to constitute a balanced corpus across a large variety of genres. It rather exhibits a strong focus on two categories of music (Electronic and Pop), which are sub-divided in finer granularity. Links to the maps, as well as an analyzsis of the structure of the maps is provided, yet no links to the MP3-files are currently made available.
- SOMeJB Prototype 1 (discontinued)
- Copyrighted Collection: A 10 x 10 SOM representing 230 pieces of popular music ranging from classical music, such as Mozart's "Kleine Nachtmusik", via some hits from the 1960's such as Cat Steven's "Father and Son or Queen's "I want to break free", to modern titles, e.g. Tom Jones' "Sexbomb".
We provide the vector files used for training, as well as the resulting Segment and Music SOM for interactive evaluation, as well as a brief evaluation. Currently, no links to MP3-files are provided.
- Free Collection: A 10 x 10 SOM of non-copyrighted music obtained from
We provide the vector files used for training, as well as the resulting Segment and Music SOM for interactive evaluation, no links to MP3-files or detailed evaluation are provided.
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