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Some interesting Summer schools 2011


Interesting Summer school you should consider during summer 2011: 2nd PetaMedia Summer School (26/06 to 01/07 in Antalya), International Computer Vision Summer School (11 to 16/07 in Sicily), Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School (25 to 29/07 in Paris) and Vision and Sports Summer School (22 to 26/08 in Zurich)

BOEMIE Final Report


BOEMIE was an ambitious large-scale research effort that has advanced considerably the state of the art in multimedia content analysis. In order to make multimedia content like videos or images searchable the data must be meaningfully annotated. This is commonly done by humans, but it is a hard and expensive task. Using sophisticated algorithms to extract semantics from multimedia content, BOEMIE annotates content with semantics automatically and provides valuable knowledge for both, content providers and content consumers.