Chorus+ Activities

CHORUS+ objective is to coordinate national and international projects and initiatives in the Search-engine domain and to extend this Coordination in non-European countries.

CHORUS+ aims at creating the conditions of mutual information exchange and cross fertilisation between the FP7 projects in the search-engines domain and the recently launched national and international initiatives in this area. A particular emphasis on setting concrete R&D and industrial objectives for multimedia search in Europe is planned through the implementation of discussion groups limited to selected representatives (industry and academia) and the organisation of and open participation in workshops, conferences and summer schools.


At the business level, CHORUS+ aims to foster discussion and avoid fragmentation. The outcome of this discussion will address the interests, needs and challenges of technology producers, content owners and consumer

At the technology level, numerous initiatives on analysing, annotating, classifying or otherwise linking audio-visual content will take place with the final aim to ease navigation, access and use of virtually unlimited quantities of audio-visual content.


CHORUS+ believes that, in order to address the large variety of potential use cases and the great level of uncertainty regarding future success stories, the profusion of initiatives is beneficial and will trigger competition between projects leading to better results.  

The Chorus + factsheet can be downloaded here


Think Tank on the Future of Social Search


27 October 2010, Firenze, Italy

The Future of Social Research


27 October 2010, Firenze, Italy
Experts and stakeholders of Social and Search related aspects exchanging on trends on technologies and features for the next years.

"THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL SEARCH" - An expert Think-Tank


27 October 2010, Florence, Italy
Experts and stakeholders of Social and Search related aspects exchanging on trends on technologies and features for the next years.

Media Search cluster meeting dedicated to Social Media Search


14 April 2011, Trento, Italy
The Media Search Cluster focused on Social Media Search with an invited talk from Yahoo!, presentations from relevant EC funded projects and companies, followed by a panel discussion and the launching of a white paper in the area.