III - Annex 1 – Results of CHORUS+ survey

Annex 1 – Results of CHORUS+ survey on

the evaluation of multimedia retrieval



CHORUS+ survey on the evaluation of multimedia retrieval technologies, described in

D3.3 deliverable (November 2011), was published as an online questionnaire[1] in December 2011. It was then advertised across several communities including ImageCLEF, TRECVID and MIREX benchmarking campaigns, ACM Multimedia 2011 conference, EU projects of the Media Search cluster and a LinkedIn group on enterprise search. The 20 participants to the 5th Think-Tank on Multimedia search technology transfer driven by benchmarking were finally asked to fill the survey as well. At the time of compiling the results (mid-April 2011), 80 respondents had filled the online questionnaire.


Respondent’s profiles





A large fraction of the respondents come from academia (75%). In the detailed result’s analysis we refer to this group as academics. The remaining 25% coming from industry still represent a tolerable number of respondents (20 companies). A great majority of respondents from academia are benchmarking aware. Less than half of the respondents from industry are aware about public benchmarking campaigns.


Companies’ profiles


Companies Size                                               Companies activity


Small, intermediate and big companies are well represented. In the detailed result’s analysis we refer to small companies as the one having up to 50 salaries and to big companies as the one having more than 200 salaries.


People’s profiles




                           Are you?                                                      Your main activity?


The main activity of 86% of the respondents is research but at different levels of responsibility (62% are researchers or engineers). In the detailed result’s analysis we refer to the 9% of respondents whose main activity is development as developers and to the 14% of respondents who are either manager or director as managers. The group referred as student in the detailed results is simply composed by the 24% of the first diagram.





