FP6 - FP7 Projects




FP7 Project nr. 287704
(01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014)



CUBRIK develops a multimedia search framework to advance the openness of the multimedia search technology to incorporate human and social computation and to enrich the semantics of multimedia content and query processing with the support of temporal and spatial entities.  


Click here for more.

FP7 Project nr. 287583
(01.11.2011 - 31.10.2014)



SMART will introduce a holistic open source web-scale multimedia search framework for multimedia data stemming from the physical world. To this end, SMART will develop a scalable search and retrieval architecture for multimedia data, along with intelligent techniques for real-time processing, search and retrieval of physical world multimedia. At the same time, SMART will be able to leverage Web2.0 social networks information in order to facilitate social queries on physical world multimedia.


For more information, visit the Cordis website.

FP7 Project nr. 287975
(01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014)



SocialSensor will develop a new framework for enabling real-time multimedia indexing and search in the Social Web. The project will move beyond conventional text-based indexing and retrieval models by mining and aggregating user inputs and content over multiple social networking sites. Social Indexing will incorporate information about the structure and activity of the users\' social network directly into the multimedia analysis and search process.

Visit the Social Sensor website.



FP7 Project 287711
(01.10.2011 - 31.03.2013)


MIRES music search (support action) 

MIReS project aims to create a research roadmap of MIR field, by expanding its context and addressing challenges such as multimodal information, multiculturalism and multidisciplinarity.


For more, click here


FP7 Project nr. 216064

(01.01.2008 - 31.07.2011)


Virtual Life 

VirtualLife project aims at developing a virtual world platform mainly focusing on security, democracy and collaborative aspects. Combining a virtual legal system with a strong security infrastructure and a peer-to-peer architecture, VirtualLife provides a digital 3d environment suitable for education, training, e-commerce, business and entertainment.

Visit the Virtual Life website.



FP7 Project nr. 215453
(01.04.2008- 31.03.2011)



The main objective of WeKnowIt is to develop novel techniques for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-contributed content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence, a form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition among many individuals, and that seemingly has a mind of its own.

Visit the website.


 FP7 Project nr. 231126
(01.02.2009 - 31.01.2012)


Living Knowledge 

LivingKnowledge goal is to bring a new quality into search and knowledge management technology for more concise, complete and contextualised search results.


Visit the Living Knowledge website.


FP7 Project nr. 248296
(01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012)



The I-SEARCH project aims to provide a novel unified framework for multimodal content indexing, sharing, search and retrieval. The I-SEARCH framework will be able to handle specific types of multimedia and multimodal content (text, 2D image, sketch, video, 3D objects and audio) alongside with real world information, which can be used as queries and retrieve any available relevant content of any of the aforementioned types.

See the I-search website.


FP7 Project nr. 248984
(01.12.2009 - 30.11.2012)



GLOCAL is an IP Project co-funded under the seventh framework program of the European Commission coordinated by Università degli Studi di Trento, and gathering 10 partners from 5 diffferent countries.

For more information, visit the website.


FP7 Project nr. 248036
(01.02.2010 - 31.07.2012)



COAST project aimed to build Future Content-Centric Network (FCN) overlay architecture able to intelligently and efficiently link billions of content sources to billions of content consumers, and offer fast content-aware retrieval, delivery and streaming, while meeting network-wide Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in content and services consumption.


Visit the COAST project website.

 FP7 Project nr. 213696
(01.10.2007 - 31.07.2011)



The Network&Electronic Media (NEM) Technology platform was an industry-led initiative to promote and to accelerate the pace of innovation and provide ambitious inputs for the European Union 7th Framework Programme. The major focus of NEM was on innovative services and applications that constitute different media forms and that are delivered over a wide variety of complementary access networks (satellite, terrestrial, cable, twisted pairs, optical fibre, community installations, microwaves infrastructures, etc.) in a seamless and interactive way to a variety of end-user terminals and devices, including fixed and handheld terminals.

For more, click here.

FP6 Project
(February 2007 – 31.03.2011)



VIDI-Video - Interactive semantic video search with a large thesaurus of machine-learned audio-visual concepts.
VIDI-Video took on the challenge of creating a substantially enhanced semantic access to video, implemented in a search engine. The project aimed to boost the performance of video search by a 1000 element thesaurus detecting instances of audio, visual or mixed-media content.


To see more, click here.




FP6 Project

(28.02.2011 - )



The VICTORY Project was an EC funded project. Its tool performed 3D content-based search and retrieval of (geometrically) similar 3D models. The search and retrieval of 3D content is based on low-level (geometric) features.


FP7 Project nr. 214063
(01.01.2008 – 31.10.2010)



SEA was a FP7 collaborative project which aimed at offering a new experience of personalized, seamless content delivery, maintaining the integrity and wherever applicable, enriching the perceived QoS (PQoS) of the media across the whole distribution chain. SEA was a project focused on seamless, personalized, trusted and PQoS-optimized multimedia content delivery, across broadband networks, varying from broadcasting to P2P topologies.

To visit the project website, click here.


 FP7 Project nr. 215839
(01.11.2007 – 31.12.2009)



PlayMancer (A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment) was a Collaborative Project, that started on the 1st of November 2007 and ran for 36 months in total. 7 partners from 5 countries participated in the project.

Visit the Playmancer website.


 FP7 Project nr. 216444
(01.03.2008 – 30.11.2009)



The PETAMEDIA NoE aimed at fostering international collaborative research in the areas of multimedia content analysis (MCA) and social and peer-to-peer (SP2P) networks by coordinating the research activities among partner countries, so as to establish a European network composed of national networks, while enabling as well the participation of specific additional interested partners.

Click here to view the project website.


FP7 Project nr. 215248
(01.03.2008 – January 2010)


My-E-Director 2012

My-e-Director 2012, Real-Time Context-Aware and Personalized Media Streaming Environments for Large Scale Broadcasting Applications, was a R&D project that aimed to provide a unique interactive broadcasting service enabling end-users to select focal actors and points of interest within real-time broadcasted scenes.
The project\'s activity was executed by key personnel of institutions representing Industry, Research Institutions and Universities, which are partially funded under the FP7 of the EC.

Visit the myedirector website.