International Workshop on Search Computing

 Brussels 25-26 September 2012


Tuesday, September 25


  9:00 Registration and Welcome  

EC and CHORUS+ project 9:00 - 9:20

  9:20 Keynote Speech  

Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano Search Computing - Structured Integration of Web Data Sources 9:20 - 10:10


  10:10 Coffee Break

  10:40 Social Media and Mobile Search, Chair: Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

Ramesh Jain, UC Irvine, USA Mobile Social Search is a new frontier in search and problem solving 10:40-11:00
Alejandro Jaimes, Yahoo! Research, Spain What Can Search Tell Us? A Human-Centered View 11:00-11:20
Daniel Gatica-Perez, IDIAP & EPFL, Switzerland The social life of online conversational video 11:20-11:40
Yiannis Kompatsiaris, CERTH-ITI, Greece SocialSensor - Sensing User Generated Input for Improved Media Discovery and Experience 11:40-12:00
Dima Shepelyansky, CNRS, France NADINE - New tools and Algorithms for DIrected NEtwork analysis 12:00-12:20
Maarten de Rijke, Intelligent Systems Lab, The Netherlands Life Mining 12:20-12:40


  12:40 Lunch Break, Demos, Posters and Networking

  14:10 Search in Large-Scale Multimedia Data,  Chair: Alexis Joly, INRIA

Francois Bourdoncle, Exalead Technological challenges of Big-Data 14:10-14:30
Pedro Cano, BMAT Today Music Industry Challenges, a Search Perspective 14:30-14:50
Josef Sivic, INRIA, France From buildings to cities: large scale visual search and mining in geotagged image collections. 14:50-15:10
Koen van de Sande, University of Amsterdam, Nederlands Concept Pairs in Visual Concept Detection and Annotation 15:10-15:30


  15:30 Coffee Break

  16:00 Enterprise Search, Chair: Stavri Nikolov, Imagga Ltd & Henri Gouraud, INRIA

Allan Hanbury and Henning Muller Enterprise Search in Medical Data 16:00-16:20
Martin White, Intranet Focus, Ltd, UK Enterprise Search in the EU – Opportunities and Challenges 16:20-16:40
David Hawking, Funnelback Prerequisites for a successful enterprise search project 16:40-17:00
Christoph Goller, Intrafind Software AG Semantic Search for the Enterprise 17:00-17:20
Mika Konnola, Documill Discovering content hidden in enterprise wikis 17:20-17:40


  17:40 Concluding Address

EC and CHORUS+ project 17:40 - 17:50


  17:50 Welcome Reception, Demos, Posters and Networking


Wednesday, September 26


  9:15 Welcome

   9:30 Keynote Speech

Masataka GOTO, AIST, Japan
PodCastle and Songle: Web Services for Retrieval and Browsing of Speech and Music Content on the Basis of Automatic Content Analysis and Crowdsourcing


  10:20 Coffee Break

  10:50 Media Search, Chair: Loretta Anania, EC

Alan Hanjalic, TU Delft From technology-Inspired towards Utility-Centered Multimedia Information Retrieval 10:50-11:10
Dimitrios Tzovaras, CERTH-ITI, Greece and Thomas Steiner , Google, Germany I-SEARCH multimodal search 11:10-11:30
Werner Bailer, José-Manuel López-Cobo, Guillermo Álvaro, Georg Thallinger Distributed search for complex heterogeneous media 11:30-11:50
Vincenzo Croce, Engineering, Italy CUbRIK - Human-enhanced time-aware multimedia search 11:50-12:10
Michela Magas, MIReS Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch 12:10-12:30


  12:30 Lunch Break, Demos, Posters and Networking

  14:00 Search and Technology Transfer, Chair: Pieter Van Der Linden, Technicolor

Pieter Van Der Linden, Technicolor, France Experts' view on technology transfer 14:00-14:20
Francesco Nucci, Engineering, Italy Collective awareness, crowdsourcing and search: a business perspective 14:20-14:40
Claudio Feijo, Universitad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain The value of search for users. Preliminary results from a discrete choice experiment 14:40-15:00
Shara Monteleone, EC-JRC-IPTS, Spain What is personal in search: the economic value of personal data and user empowerment 15:00-15:20
Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzerland Analyzing the impact of projects and benchmarks: propositions and ideas 15:20-15:40


  15:40 Coffee Break, Demos, Posters and Networking

  16:00 Concluding Panel on the Future of Search

Invited speakers and key participants


  17:30 Close

EC and CHORUS+ project

Demos and Posters


CUbRIK - Human in the loop:  Challenges and perspectives of CrowdSearch Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA (ENG)
GLOCAL - Event-Based Retrieval of Networked Media University of Trento
SocialSensor - Social Media Mining Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Interactive Newsbook - the RAI search and retrieval platform for the management of multimedia and multi-source information Maurizio Montagnuolo, Alberto Messina, Giorgio Dimino
I-SEARCH – Challenges in Multimodal Search Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
LivingLab Culture and technology – ICT services to access new media content University of Modena Silvia Boi, Engineering spa
BRIDGE: building rich links to support television history research (MeRDES: supporting media studies researchers in exploring audio visual archives) Marc Bron, Jasmijn van Gorp, Frank Nack, Maarten de Rijke, Andrei Vishneuski, and Sonja de Leeuw