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CALL FOR PAPERS, Special Session on Social Events in Web Multimedia

at the 2013 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Dallas, Texas, USA, April 16 - 19, 2013

see event here:  

The modeling, detection, and processing of events is an area that has started to receive considerable attention by the multimedia community. This Special Session aims to attract and present the latest developments and results on the discovery of social events from web multimedia content, and on techniques for the detection and retrieval of media items that are related to such social events. By social events, we refer to events that are planned by people, are attended by people, and are represented by multimedia and in general social media content that is captured by people. A lot of the multimedia content out there on the Web has been captured during such an event (e.g. a concert, a football game, an uprising) or is otherwise related to and conveys information about a social event. However, this content is often scattered, i.e., is disassociated from the related events. This, together with the observation that humans often think in terms of events, generate the need for automatically detecting such events from multimedia content. Furthermore, they generate the need for automatically establishing the event-media associations that will allow multimedia browsing and search, as well as social media understanding, in a way that is more complete and more natural to theusers.


Manuscript preparation and submission:


This special session welcomes high-quality papersdescribing original research in all areas related to Social Events in Web Multimedia, especially papers at the intersection of the “event detection from multimedia”, “event-based multimedia retrieval” and “social media analysis and retrieval” fields.


The submission to this special session is open to all potential authors. Submitted papers must be formatted according to the ACM conference style, cannot exceed 8 pages, cannot contain information that may identify the authors (ICMR 2013 follows a double-blind review process), andmust be submitted as pdf files according to the paper submission guidelines posted at (following the "Paper Submission" link in the menu or the left side of the page).


Important dates: 


• Special Session Paper Submission: January 15, 2013


Session Organizers:


• Vasileios Mezaris (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece)

• Raphael Troncy (Eurecom, France)

• Lexing Xie (Australian National University, Australia)

• Benoit Huet (Eurecom, France)


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