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Summer School on Social Media Modeling and Search

Call for Participation - 10-14 September 2012, Fira, Santorini

Based on the great success and experience of five previous SSMS editions, the 2012 Summer School on Social Media Modeling and Search will be offering top level education for participants from all over the world. The summer school is aimed at PhD students, young researchers and practitioners interested in social media modeling and analysis, online social interaction analysis and relevant approaches and applications in prediction, search and visualization. Lectures include introductory and advanced courses by leading researchers from academia and industry, and will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of state-of-the-art research in these multi-disciplinary topics.

The application for SSMS 2012 should be done before 17 May 2012!

This year the summer school also offers a "students lab" where participants will have the chance to practice with social media analysis and modeling tools within a hands-on programming session. In addition, the “poster sessions” will give participants the opportunity to present their work, get comments and feedback from senior researchers, and interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly and constructive environment. 


SSMS 2012 will feature the topics mentioned below. A more detailed program and the list of speakers will be announced soon.

Social Media Content Analysis

  • Rong Yan (Facebook, CA, USA) Data Mining and Machine learning for large-scale social media
  • Herve Jegou (INRIA, France) Very large-scale image and video retrieval
  • Sebastiano Vigna (University of Milano, Italy) Representation and Analysis of Large Datasets 

Online Social Interaction Modeling and Analysis

  • Santo Fortunato (Aalto University, Finland) Community detection
  • Hakim Hacid (Alcatel - Lucent Bell Labs, France) Mining Social Network Dynamics
  • Marco Tagliasacchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Crowdsourcing for multimedia retrieval

Social Media Applications and Architecture

  • Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes (Yahoo! Research, Spain) A Human-Centered Perspective on Data Science
  • Daniel Gatica-Perez (EPFL, Switzerland) VlogSense: Understanding behavior in video blogging


  • Urban Sensoria Lab workshop
  • Media Industry Day: Social Media and the News Business
  • Students Poster Session

This year the summer school includes the Urban Sensoria Lab workshop, where participants will use novel ubiquitous computing technologies to explore Santorini, collect information, and work on a creative project.

In addition, a day will be dedicated to issues relevant to the Media Industry, focusing on Social Media and how it affects the News industry. 

Also, poster sessions will give participants the opportunity to present their work, get comments and feedback from senior researchers, and interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly and constructive environment.

The detailed program per day and final topics will be announced soon. 


Yiannis Kompatsiaris (CERTH-ITI, Greece)

Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)

Vincenzo Croce (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Italy)

Sotiris Diplaris (CERTH-ITI, Greece)

Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH-ITI, Greece) 


MSc or Ph. D. students, post-doc and researchers or practitioners are welcome to apply. 

The on-line application is available through the web site by clicking here

The school fee is 500,00 €. The fee will include all courses, course material, lunch and coffee breaks, social events, administration, information and on-site help, and internet access for laptops.

The application for SSMS 2012 should be done before 17 May 2012.

Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by 21 May 2012.


The Summer School on Social Media Modeling and Search is especially aimed to provide a stimulating space for young researchers and Ph.D. students. All participants are encouraged to bring their poster to the summer school, presenting the results of their research on the various topics of the school. Each participant should send us an A4 version of the poster no later than 31th August 2012, two weeks before the start of the summer school, so that we can produce a booklet for distribution to all participants. Suitable space and special sessions will be organized for poster presentation and discussion. The electronic version of the posters will also be available from the SSMS 2012 web site.


The participants to the school will take part in the “Students Lab” session where they will collaboratively work on selected research topics. A working project will be defined by the SSMS committee and students will be asked to participate. Students will have the opportunity to collaboratively work on the project in special sessions of the school program, in order to build and demonstrate an integrated application.


The conference will take place from 10-14 September at Petros M. Nomikos Conference Centre ( located in the capital of Santorini, Fira, overlooking the caldera and the volcano. The world famous island of Santorini (, is located to the south of the Cycladic island group in the Aegean Sea, 63 nautical miles north of Crete.

The main characteristics of the island which attract a high number of visitors each year are the following:

* Magnificent setting

* A rich history to explore, dating back to the Bronze Age

* Bright and sunny weather

* Quality accommodation and services

* Delicious local cuisine and wine

* Exciting entertainment

Apart from the traditional villages with view over the volcano and the volcano island itself, the visitor can walk around the ancient city at Akrotiri, which is not merely the most important archaeological site on the island, it is also, thanks to its excellent state of preservation and the wealth of finds it has yielded, the most important prehistoric settlement found anywhere in the Eastern Mediterranean. Akrotiri could be called the prehistoric Pompeii of the Aegean.

Highlights of the SSMS 2012 social programme include a trip to the volcano and other Santorini islands and dinner in Oia after its famous sunsets.


SSMS 2012 participants will be hosted at Hotel Santorini Palace (within walking distance from the school location) at very special rates. SSMS participants must make reservations for accommodation no later than 10th June 2012, using the accommodation reservation form (soon available in SSMS 2012 website).

After 10th June 2012 there is no guarantee for reservations in Hotel Santorini Palace. More information will be announced on the web site.


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