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SMANE 2012: International Workshop on Social Media Applications in News and Entertainment

16 April 2012, Lyon, France

The aim of this workshop is to encourage discussion and sharing of ideas and research results on social media research, techniques, and applications, in two crucial areas: News and Entertainment. The workshop offers an opportunity to promote interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas in this area.

The aim of this workshop is to encourage discussion and sharing of ideas and research results on social media research, techniques, and applications, in two crucial areas: News and Entertainment. The workshop offers an opportunity to promote interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas in this area, not only between industry and academia, but also between different fields (e.g., computer science, journalism, psychology, sociology, economics, history, cultural anthropology, business, etc.). These two application areas have received the most impact from social media technologies, and yet, there are many technical and social challenges.

SMANE 2012 is accepting proposals addressing some of the serious research challenges we face in developing new methodologies, including data mining and information extraction from large-scale unstructured social data, real-time aspects, local vs. global events and news discovery, aggregation of information from heterogeneous sources, propagation of information within social networks, and information visualization, among others. We are also interested in understanding how different technical approaches can be used to enhance our understanding of user behavior in social media, and in particular within the specified contexts.


For more information, check out the website


Important Dates

1 February 2012: Paper Submission

28 February 2012: Notification of acceptance

16 March 2012: Camera Ready paper

16 April 2012: Workshop

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