Chorus+ Activities

CHORUS+ objective is to coordinate national and international projects and initiatives in the Search-engine domain and to extend this Coordination in non-European countries.

CHORUS+ aims at creating the conditions of mutual information exchange and cross fertilisation between the FP7 projects in the search-engines domain and the recently launched national and international initiatives in this area. A particular emphasis on setting concrete R&D and industrial objectives for multimedia search in Europe is planned through the implementation of discussion groups limited to selected representatives (industry and academia) and the organisation of and open participation in workshops, conferences and summer schools.


At the business level, CHORUS+ aims to foster discussion and avoid fragmentation. The outcome of this discussion will address the interests, needs and challenges of technology producers, content owners and consumer

At the technology level, numerous initiatives on analysing, annotating, classifying or otherwise linking audio-visual content will take place with the final aim to ease navigation, access and use of virtually unlimited quantities of audio-visual content.


CHORUS+ believes that, in order to address the large variety of potential use cases and the great level of uncertainty regarding future success stories, the profusion of initiatives is beneficial and will trigger competition between projects leading to better results.  

The Chorus + factsheet can be downloaded here


Chorus+ January 2012 Newsletter

January 2012

We hope you will enjoy the reading of our 5th newsletter and, as usual, your feedback is mostly appreciated!



An expert workshop and a Think-Tank that have been held on 13-14 October 2011 in Seville (Spain)

The aim of this workshop was to gain insights into the techno-economic trends in enterprise search and to study how they will impact the European economy and society. A Think-Tank Roundtable discussion on the future trends and directions of Enterprise Search was also organized during that event.  The Think-Tank gathered 15 Enterprise Search experts - vendors, integrators and analysts –  mainly from Europe.

Both reports are available on our website  - click here 






As you might know, one of the core activities of CHORUS+ is related to the evaluation of multimedia search. 

In this context, we did set-up a questionnaire which goal is to collect feedbacks and statistics on current practices related to the evaluation of multimedia retrieval technologies. 

Its main thread is to confront the evaluation criteria used at different levels of the innovation workflow following a top-down approach (from business evaluation criteria to evaluation dimensions used in scientific literature).

So we kindly invite all of you having interests and activities in the domain to takes about 10 minutes to fill the online form


  •  Chorus+ 5th Think-Tank "Industrial benefits of benchmarking of multimedia search related technologies" 

Which evaluations tools to assess technological maturity? This Think-Tank will gather technologists and industrials on the topic of evaluation and benchmarking; it will be organised on April 19, 2012, in Lyon, France co-located with WWW2012 


  • Sensing User Generated Input for Improved Media Discovery and Experience                                                     A SocialSensor User Group (SUG)

SocialSensor is developing a new framework for enabling real-time multimedia indexing and search in the Social Web. This new starting project will move beyond conventional text-based indexing and retrieval models by mining and aggregating user inputs and content over multiple social networking sites. Social Indexing will incorporate information about the structure and activity of the users’ social network directly into the multimedia analysis and search process.    

A SocialSensor User Group (SUG) has been created aiming to bring along the relevant stakeholders from social web having an explicit interest in following the progress of the project, for instance mobile application developers, news organizations, event organizers, social networks, advertisers and other relevant companies and users.  The objective of the SUG is to set-up partnerships that are mutually beneficial among which we can mention the participation in the evaluation of the project results, the testing of the project software platforms, technical discussions and activities (special sessions, standardisation, etc) and to contribute with ideas or requirements that may fit the project objectives.

     Are you interested in joining the SUG? 

Express your interest here or contact  Sotiris Diplaris


  • INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SEARCH COMPUTING (24-25 September 2012, Brussels, Belgium)

This workshop will be a platform for the discussion of the key Research, Business and Socio-Economic issues in Search Computing. It will consist of invited talks and panels from experts in the field, results from the CHORUS+ Network and the Media Search Cluster.

For more detailed information on topics covered, please visit our web page 





The objective of this white paper is to provide an overview of the business areas, the research challenges and the socio-economic aspects related to “Search Computing”.

Elaborated by the Audio-Visual Media Search Cluster, this publication has been printed thanks to the Information Society Technologies - 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013) – Unit D2 Networked Media.

The full document can be downloaded on the followink link  Search_Computing_white_paper

You can also read the related article at ERCIM News


  MARK YOUR CALENDAR with news from…



Workshop on Semantic Annotation of Multimodal Resources at LREC 2012 (21-22 May, 2012)




Video Browser Showdown at MMM 2012 (4-6 January 2012)

EBU Production Technology Seminar (31 January – 2 February 2012)




Workshp on Social Media Applications in News and Entertainment, part of WWW 2012 (16 April, 2012)

ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) (5-8 June, 2012) 


I-SEARCH Special session on MMM 2012: Multimodal and Cross modal search (4-6 January 2012) 


 Special session on WWW 2012: CrowdSearch: Crowdsourcing Web search (17 April, 2012)




 Cannes MIDEM 28-31 Jan, MIReS dissemination and networking with music industry stakeholders 

Kyoto ICASSP, 25-29 Mar, MIReS dissemination


 Seville 20th April MIReS multicultural workshop as part of the FMA   workshop 



PROMISE Winter School 2012 from 23 to 27 January 2012, Zinal, Switzerland 





  • THE AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIA SEARCH CLUSTER” met in Brussels on December 13, 2011

The Cluster is formed from the projects which are actively pursuing research in the multimedia information retrieval and search engine domain. It meets at least twice a year and the last meeting was organized on December 13th, 2011 in Brussels.

This 1-day meeting was organized around the three main following topics

  • Firstly, some new starting EU funded projects presented their main targeted technical objectives,
  • Secondly, a slot was dedicated to the standardization issues linked to the domain
  • Finally, a session was dedicated to “Evaluation and Benchmark” topics where detailed presentations of Trecvid, MediEval and ImageClef activities were made. This session ended with a presentation of the Chorus plus wiki platform hat has been build based on a collaborative effort and aiming at providing a public repository for datasets, tools, publications and events in the domain.

All presentations  are available here 




A workshop co-organised on 28 September 2011, Torino, Italy

This workshop presented cutting-edge search computing solutions that have been developed to provide users with access to networked media and in particular, social multimedia. It showcased new techniques and applications that have been developed in European research laboratories and focused on those solutions that are ripe for industry applicatio

Presentations have been videorecorded by VideoLectures and are now online



Within CLEF 2011 conference, an exciting work session you should have attended on September 21st, 2011 in Amsterdam, the Netherland

All presentations can be downloaded here



in Antalya Turkey was a big success,  namely for the young researchers and PhD students that were actively engaged in the work.  High quality content focused on social media retrieval & current search engine technologies.  Several EU projects joined PETAMEDIA and collaborated on joint lectures, hands-on team projects, posters, and competitions.    Enjoy online! The summer school (video) lectures are available here...



If you have some information you would like us to disseminate, please feel free to contact the CHORUS+ Team

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