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CHORUS+ Network of Audio-Visual Media Search is the hub where you will find all useful information related to events, technologies, resources… linked to audio-visual search.

Chorus+ Activities

Chorus CHORUS+
Chorus Access to AV Media Search Cluster in Trento
Chorus future of Music search Think-Tank
Chorus Access to our January 2012 Newsletter

Chorus+ Activities


CHORUS+ objective is to coordinate national and international projects and initiatives in the Search-engine domain and to extend this Coordination in non-European countries.

CHORUS+ aims at creating the conditions of mutual information exchange and cross fertilisation between the FP7 projects in the search-engines domain and the recently launched national and international initiatives in this area. A particular emphasis on setting concrete R&D and industrial objectives for multimedia search in Europe is planned through the implementation of discussion groups limited to selected representatives (industry and academia) and the organisation of and open participation in workshops, conferences and summer schools.


At the business level, CHORUS+ aims to foster discussion and avoid fragmentation. The outcome of this discussion will address the interests, needs and challenges of technology producers, content owners and consumer

At the technology level, numerous initiatives on analysing, annotating, classifying or otherwise linking audio-visual content will take place with the final aim to ease navigation, access and use of virtually unlimited quantities of audio-visual content.


CHORUS+ believes that, in order to address the large variety of potential use cases and the great level of uncertainty regarding future success stories, the profusion of initiatives is beneficial and will trigger competition between projects leading to better results.  

The Chorus + factsheet can be downloaded here


"Search Computing and Social Media" workshop

28 September 2011, Torino, Italy

This workshop presents cutting-edge search computing solutions that have been developed to provide users with access to networked media and in particular, social multimedia. It will showcase new techniques and applications have been developed in European research laboratories and focus on those solutions that are ripe for industry application.

  A joint workshop from



The opening talk presented a vision on the area of search computing entitled "Search Computing: Business Areas, Research and Socio-Economic Challenges". Then, a selection of leading researchers presentd highlights and applications from a range of areas important for search and social media search. 

The afternoon session concentrated on the "Triple Synergy", the combination of multimedia content, user-derived annotations and the structures of peer-to-peer and social networks. The Triple Synergy is deployed in order to improve user access (including search, recommendation, browsing and discovery) to multimedia online and in social communities. Here, the PetaMedia Network of Excellence  presented multimedia applications that it has developed within the framework of its field trials.

Finally, the workshop ended with a panel that put a critical look at the future of multimedia search, and in particular investigated the question of the contribution that search computing can make to innovation within the area of social media.

Presentations have been videorecorded by VideoLectures and will be soon online.


11:00 - 11:15


Welcome & Introduction to the workshop

By Martha LARSON, Delft University of Technology

&  Jean-Charles POINT, JCP-Consult


11:15 - 13:10


Keynote presentation

"Search Computing: Business Areas, Research and Socio-Economic Challenges"

By Yiannis KOMPATSIARIS, Informatics and Telematics Institute, CERTH-ITI



"Scenarios and Technologies for Event-based Media Search"

By Francesco DENATALE, University of Trento



LivingKnowledge - “Making content diversity an asset in search”

By Claudia NIEDERÉE, L3S Research Center



“I-SEARCH: multimodal content search engine”

By Amar-Djalil MEZAOUR, Exalead



“CUBRIK: Cube metaphor of Search”

By Vincenzo CROCE, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa



13:10 - 14:50




14:50 - 16:15


"Advancements in Social Media Retrieval: How did PetaMedia help? 

By Alan HANJALIC, Delft University of Technology



“SpudTV Field Trials”

By Sander KOELSTRA, Queen Mary, University of London



“Off the Beaten track-Near2me travel recommender prototype”

By María MENÉNDEZ, University of Trento



« MediaEval Multimedia Benchmark Initiative: Looking back and looking forward to year five » by Martha LARSON, Delft University of Technology



16:15 - 16:30


Panel collecting questions



16:30 - 17:00


Coffee break and informal discussion



17:00 - 17:30


Panel «Is the human factor the future of social media search »?


The workshop is sponsored by three EU FP7 projects:
Chorus+ Audio-Visual Search Coordinated Action 
Glocal Event-Based Retrieval of Networked Media 
PetaMedia Network of Excellence on Peer-to-peer Tagged Media                                                

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