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Some interesting Summer schools 2011


Interesting Summer school you should consider during summer 2011: 2nd PetaMedia Summer School (26/06 to 01/07 in Antalya), International Computer Vision Summer School (11 to 16/07 in Sicily), Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School (25 to 29/07 in Paris) and Vision and Sports Summer School (22 to 26/08 in Zurich)

·       26 June - 1 July, Antalya, Turkey, S3MR - 2nd PetaMedia Summer School

2nd PetaMedia Summer School on Social Media Retrieval 2011: The 2nd Summer School on Social Media Retrieval (S3MR) aims at bringing together young researchers from neighbouring disciplines, offering

  • lectures delivered by experts from academy and industry providing a clear and in-depth summary of state-of-the-art research in social media retrieval, and
  • collaborative projects in small groups providing hands-on experience on integrative work on selected problems from the field.

More information can be found here  

  ·       11-16 July 2011, Sicily, Italy, ICVSS 2011 - International Computer Vision Summer School

The fifth edition of the International Computer Vision Summer School aims to provide both an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research in Computer Vision and covers the three main areas of registration, recognition and reconstruction in images and videos.

The courses will be delivered by world renowned experts in the field, from both academia and industry, and will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of real Computer Vision problems as well as examples of their successful commercialisation.

More information can be found here

·       25-29 July 2011, Paris, France, ENS/INRIA - Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School

Lectures will be given by experts in visual recognition and machine learning. The target audience are PhD students, MSc students, advanced undergraduates as well as academics and practitioners in the field.  Lectures will be complemented by practical sessions, where participants will obtain hands-on experience with the discussed material. Participants will also have an opportunity to bring and discuss their work during a poster session.

The summer school will take place at the ENS Ulm campus in central Paris next to the Pantheon, Sorbonne and Jardin du Luxembourg.

More information can be found here

 ·       22-26 August 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, VS3 2011 - Vision and Sports Summer School

Vision and Sports is a special kind of summer school!

In addition to a broad-range of lectures on state-of-the-art Computer Vision techniques, it offers exciting sport activities, such as Floorball, Climbing, and Table Tennis.

What is most fun: the sports sessions are given by the same internationally renowned experts who deliver the lectures!

More information can be found here 

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