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CFP IEEE Workshop HotMD - Hot Topics in Multimedia Delivery

20 February 2011, Barcelona, Spain

The deadline for submitting papers is 20 February, 2011.

In the framework of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia (ICME) to be held  next July in Barcelona, Spain,  a workshop entitled HotMD - Hot Topics in Multimedia Delivery will be organised. In the workshop a lot of topics such as the following ones will be addressed:

  • Multimedia immersive networked environments

  • Multiview media capturing and delivery 

  • Wireless and mobile multimedia systems

  • Context and user aware media

  • Signal processing, compression, security and privacy issues related to multimedia distribution

  • Social networks and broadcasting networking architectures 

  • Web 2.0 and social network support for multimedia dissemination

  • Economics of multimedia content delivery

  • Real-world deployment experience of multimedia distribution platforms

The deadline for submitting papers is 20 February, 2011.

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