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I-Search, Publication at NEM Summit : "User-Centric Search over Multimodal and Multimedia Content"


I-SEARCH is principally concerned with expanding the breadth of what is typically indexed in current search engines. I-SEARCH partners released a publication during the Nem Summit of October 2010 that occured in Barcelona.

Abstract: Beyond current textual search, there remains a need for greater variety in query modality and in media input for querying. The I-SEARCH project aims at developing an experimental platform for new types of querying of multimedia document sources. This article presents an overview of the I-SEARCH project, shows some typical use case scenarios for the future I-SEARCH platform, and describes the architecture that we have designed for implementing these platforms.


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Authors: Gregory Grefenstette 1, Petros Daras 2, Efstratios Tzoannos 3, Vincenzo Croce 4, Jonas Etzold 5, Vasilis Tountopoulos 6, Alberto Massari 7, Sabine Spiller 8, Lorenzo Franco Sutton 9

  • 1 Exalead, Paris, France;

  • 2 CERTH/ITI, Thessaloniki, Greece;

  • 3 6ATC S.A, Athens, Greece;

  • 4 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.a, Italy;

  • 5 University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany ;

  • 7 University of Genoa, Italy;

  • 8 EasternGraphics, Germany;

  • 9 ANSC, Rome, Italy

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