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WeKnowIt Project Newsletters


WeKnowIt Project proposes all its Project Newsletters here.

WeKnowIt is a 3 year Integrated Project developing novel techniques for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-generated content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence, a form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and contributions of many individuals. WeKnowIt transforms the large-scale and poorly structured Social Media to a Social Sensor of meaningful topics, entities, points of interest, social connections and events.


Issues of the WeKnowIt project Newsletters:

  • The WeKnowIt Newsletter of January 2011 can be found here
  • The WeKnowIt Newsletter of Decembe 2010 can be found here
  • The WeKnowIt Newsletter of November 2010 can be found here

More info about WeKnowIt project.

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