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Future Internet Assembly

16-17 December 2010, Ghent, Belgium

The Future Internet Assembly (FIA) in Ghent started with keynote speaker Ben Verwaayen, CEO from Alcatel-Lucent. There will be ample scope for discussion on technical and non-technical issues of the developments of the Future Internet.

The FIA  again convened hundreds of European researchers of the 100+ projects and  gave opportunity to discuss the first steps of the Public Private Partnership on Future Internet.

The Future Internet Assembly in Ghent, Belgium (December 16-17th) has been hold as part of the Future Internet conference week (13-17 December 2010, Ghent Belgium). This conference offered a program of back-to-back conferences, meetings and workshops related to the different topics of interest to the organizations involved and their stakeholders. 

More particularly, during this event, a special session was organised by members of the AV Search Cluster 


Search as an Architectural Component

Chair: Loretta Anania (EC-DG INFSO) 



As the FIA activities evolve, it turns out that there are going to be different stratums that support the Future Internet. All these stratums have different types of resources and also virtual representations. At the network stratum, we may consider as resources the nodes themselves (e.g. routers, servers, printers, terminals, etc.) and their physical characteristics (e.g. processing power, network interfaces, routing capabilities, memory, caching capabilities, traffic, etc.). At the Service stratum, we may consider the services, the service components and their APIs and interfaces as resources. At the Content Stratum, the different types of content (e.g. text, pictures, voice, video of different types and formats, slices and sub) can be considered as resources. Finally, any piece of information or any application (including social networks and link open data links) may also be considered as a resource.

The initial objective of this session was to highlight the search and discovery issues of different resources at the different stratums. This is a very broad topic. Quite different mechanisms (even philosophy and language) are currently used to discover/mine, describe, index and retrieve resources at each stratum. Due to time restrictions, the session was focused only in the area of content searching and retrieval, which may be the most challenging ones as the content is and will grow much faster than any other resource and the search engines need in most cases to extract and combine information rather than just discover it.


Introduction and context  by Loretta Anania , EC – DG INFSO 

“Search as an architectural component: searching for a new paradigm” by Fr. Nucci from Engineering

“Next Generation Search” by Ricardo Baeza-Yates fromYahoo!

“Visual Search as an architectural component“ by Alexis Joly from INRIA

Presentations were followed by discussions moderated by L. Anania (EC)


  • R. Baeza-Yates (Yahoo!)
  • F. Nucci (Engineering)
  • A. Joly (INRIA)
  • J. Domingue (Open University)

You can find minutes of this session here.

 More information will be available through the Assembly website and this website.

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