SJB stands for SOMeJukeBox. This is a Project at the IFS to group raw audio data with a SelfOrganizingMap (SOM).
Please contact Andi Rauber. He is responsible for administrative tasks.
There is Anafile (plugin to XMMS), SJBclean (filter), SJBsplit(choose frequencys), SJBtime(choose time), SJBfkt (interpolation), SJBfft (FFT), SJBmajorvector (Vectorfile), SJBmatrix (Mappingvector). And two SOM calls which are not listed here, cause they are not special programs.
Sure! This is open source. I don't think that you can use this program without changing the source, cause this is a very special program. But you can of course use this program as a starting point.
The best way is to read the thesis of Markus Fruehwirth. Workingtitle: