% RP_EXTRACT - Rhythm Patterns Audio Feature Extraction % version: 0.53 % % last changed: 30.08.2005 by tml % % (c) 2005 by Thomas Lidy % Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems % Vienna University of Technology % http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~lidy/rp/ % % based on: % Musik Analysis Toolbox for Matlab Version 0.4 % (c) 2002 Elias Pampalk % Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence % http://www.oefai.at/~elias/ % % and further development on ma_gui_v04 until version 0.48: % 2003 - 2005 by Thomas Lidy, Stefan Leitich % % % RP_EXTRACT: % Music Analysis, Audio Indexing, Similarity % Extraction of the following features: % - Rhythm Patterns % - Statistical Spectrum Descriptor % - Rhythm Histogram % - Approximate bpm measure % % % USAGE: % % 1) Batch Audio Feature Extraction % for multiple files, results written to vector files % % RP_EXTRACT(filelist, dirs [, opts]) % % RP_EXTRACT(filelist, optionsfile) % % RP_EXTRACT(optionsfile) % % filelist: list of audio files, either: % filelistarray | filelistfile % % dirs: directory options, either: % dirs_struct | dirs_optionsfile % % opts: processing options, either: % opts_struct | opts_optionsfile % (if omitted, default options will be used) % % % filelistarray: Matlab cell array containing all files to be processed % filelistfile: Ascii file listing all files to be processed % % dirs_struct: Matlab struct, containing input/output directory etc. % dirs_optionsfile: Ascii file containing directory options % % opts_struct: Matlab struct with feature extraction options % opts_optionsfile: Ascii file containing feature extraction options % % optionsfile: Ascii file containing both directory and processing options % % If the only argument is optionsfile, it has to include reference to % a filelist Ascii file as well. % % For more information on directory and processing options % see rp_options.txt example file % % % 2) Audio Feature Extraction from single audio file % results are returnd as Matlab vectors % % [feat] = RP_EXTRACT('func','process_audiofile',input_filename [, opts]) % % input_filename: complete path to audio file % % opts: Matlab struct containing feature extraction options % (if omitted, default options will be used) % % return value [feat] is a Matlab struct containing the following fields: % feat.rp: vector with Rhythm Patterns features % feat.ssd: vector with Statistical Spectrum Descriptor % feat.rh: vector with Rhythm Histogram features % feat.bpm: single value containing approximate bpm peak value