Publications of Andreas Seyfang

Sorted by type of publication

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. A. ten Teije, M. Marcos, M. Balser, J. van Croonenborg, C. Duelli, F. van Harmelen, P. Lucas, S. Miksch, W. Reif, K. Rosenbrand, A. Seyfang: "Improving medical protocols by formal methods"; Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 36 (2006), 3; pp. 193 - 209.
  2. M. Urschitz, W. Horn, A. Seyfang, A. Hallenberger, T. Herberts, S. Miksch, C. Popow, I. Müller-Hansen, C. Poets: "Automatic Control of the Inspired Oxygen Fraction in Preterm Infants - A Randomized Crossover Trial"; American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 170, pp. 1095 - 1100, 2004.
  3. Peleg, M.; Tu, S.; Bury, J.; Ciccarese, P.; Fox, J.; Greenes, R.; Hall, R.; Johnson, P; Jones, N.; Kumar, A.; Miksch, S.; Quaglini, S.; Seyfang, A.; Shortliffe, E.; Stefanelli, M.: Comparing Computer-Interpretable Guideline Models: A Case-Study Approach. JAMIA 10(1), 2003.
  4. Seyfang A., Miksch S., Marcos M.: Combining diagnosis and treatment using Asbru, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 68(1-3), pp. 49-57, 2002.
  5. Horn W., Popow C., Miksch S., Kirchner L., Seyfang A.: Development and Evaluation of VIE-PNN, a Knowledge-Based System for Calculating the Parenteral Nutrition of Newborn Infants, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Special Issue: Knowledge-Based Systems in Routine Use: Lessons Learnt, pp. 217-228, 24(3), 2002.
  6. Urschitz, M.S.; Von Einem, V.; Seyfang, A.; Poets C.F.: Use of pulse oximetry in automating O2 delivery to ventilated infants. STA-ISAPO Meeting Supplement to Anesth Analg 94, pp. S37-S40, 2002.
  7. Horn, W.; Popow, C.; Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.: Quicker, More Accurate Nutrition Plans for Newborn Infants, IEEE Intelligent Systems & their Applications (formerly IEEE EXPERT), Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Face of Health Care", 12(1), pp. 65-69, 1998.

Refereed Conference Articles

  1. Gschwandtner T, Aigner W, Kaiser K, Miksch S, Seyfang A. Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Visualization of Therapy Plans and Patient Data. In: Proc. of the BCS HCI Conference.; 2011
  2. T. Gschwandtner, W. Aigner, K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, A. Seyfang: CareCruiser: Exploring and Visualizing Plans, Events, and Effects Interactively; in: "Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium", G. Di Battista, J. Fekete, H. Qu (ed.); IEEE, (2011), ISBN: 978-1-61284-933-1; 43 - 50.
  3. Andreas Seyfang, Katharina Kaiser, Silvia Miksch: Modelling Clinical Guidelines and Protocols for the Prevention of Risks against Patient Safety. The XXII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Sarajevo, 2009.
  4. Claudio Eccher, Andreas Seyfang, Antonella Ferro, Silvia Miksch: Embedding Oncologic Protocols into the Provision of Care: The Oncocure Project. The XXII International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Sarajevo, 2009.
  5. A. Seyfang, B. Martinez-Salvador, R. Serban, J. Wittenberg, S. Miksch, M. Marcos, A. ten Teije, K. Rosenbrand: Maintaining Formal Models of Living Guidelines Efficiently; 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2007), Amsterdam, 2007.
  6. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch, M. Marcos, J. Wittenberg, C. Polo-Conde, K. Rosenbrand: "Bridging the Gap between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations"; Vortrag: 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del Garda; 29.08.2006 - 01.09.2006; in: "17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence", G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, P. Traverso (Hrg.); IOS Press, 141 (2006), ISBN 1-58603-642-4; pp. 447 - 451.
  7. P. Votruba, A. Seyfang, M. Paesold, S. Miksch: "Environment-Driven Skeletal Plan Execution for the Medical Domain"; Poster: 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del Garda; 29.08.2006 - 01.09.2006; in: "17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence", G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, P. Traverso (Hrg.); IOS Press, 141 (2006), ISBN 1-58603-642-4; pp. 847 - 848.
  8. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch, C. Polo-Conde, J. Wittenberg, M. Marcos, K. Rosenbrand: "MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations"; Poster: 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2005), Aberdeen, UK; 25.07.2005 - 27.07.2005; in: "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine", S. Miksch, J. Hunter, E. Keravnou (Hrg.); Springer, LNAI 3581 (2005), ISBN 3-540-27831-1; pp. 146 - 150.
  9. C. Polo-Conde, M. Marcos, A. Seyfang, J. Wittenberg, S. Miksch, K. Rosenbrand: "Assessment of MHB: an intermediate language for the representation of medical guidelines"; Vortrag: 10th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA-05), Santiago de Compostela; 18.11.2005; in: "Proc. of the 10th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA-05)", R. Marin, E. Onaindia, A. Bugarín, J. Santos (Hrg.); University of Corunna, Corunna (2005), ISBN 84-96474-13-5; pp. I-19 - I-28.
  10. M. Balser, O. Coltell, J. van Croonenborg, C. Duelli, F. van Harmelen, A. Jovell, P. Lucas, M. Marcos, S. Miksch, W. Reif, K. Rosenbrand, A. Seyfang, A. ten Teije: "Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods"; Vortrag: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP 2004), Prague; 13.04.2004; in: "Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols", K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, S. Tu (Hrg.); IOS Press, pp. 103 - 107; 2004.
  11. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch: "Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution"; Vortrag: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP 2004), Prague; 13.04.2004 - 14.04.2004; in: "Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols", K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, S. Tu (Hrg.); IOS Press, pp. 88 - 102, 2004.
  12. P. Votruba, S. Miksch, A. Seyfang, R. Kosara: "Tracing the Formalization Steps of Textual Guidelines"; Vortrag: Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP 2004), Prague, Czech Republic; 13.04.2004 - 14.04.2004; in: "Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols", K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, S. Tu (Hrg.); Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Volume 101, IOS Press, pp. 172 - 176; 2004.
  13. Horn, W.; Popow, C.; Miksch, S, Seyfang, A.: Benefits of a Knowledge-based System for Parenteral Nutrition Support: a Report after 5 Years of Routine Daily Use, in F.van Harmelen (ed.), ECAI 2002, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 613-617, 2002.
  14. Kosara, R.; Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A. and Votruba P.: Tools for Acquiring Clinical Guidelines in Asbru, in Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Integrate Design and Process Technology (IDPT'02).
  15. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.; Marcos, M.: Combining Diagnosis and Treatment using Asbru, in Jean Roberts (ed.): Proceedings of the Conference on Medical Informatics (MedInfo 2001), pp. 533-537, 2001.
  16. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.; Horn, W.; Urschitz, M.S.; Popow, C.; Poets, C.F.: Using Time-Oriented Data Abstraction Methods to Optimize Oxygen Supply for Neonates, in Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2001), Cascais, Portugal, pp. 217-226, 2001.
  17. Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.: Continual Planning with Time-Oriented, Skeletal Plans, in W.Horn (ed.): ECAI 2000. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 511-515, 2000.
  18. Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.; Horn, W.; Popow C.: Abstracting Steady Qualitative Descriptions over Time from Noisy, High-Frequency Data, in Horn, W.; Shahar, Y.; Lindberg, G.; Andreassen, S.; Wyatt, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making (AIMDM'99), Springer, Berlin, pp. 281-290, 1999.

Refereed Workshop Articles

  1. Katharina Kaiser and Andreas Seyfang: Supporting Knowledge Modelling by Multi-modal Learning; in: 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC-2011) in conjunction with AIME 2011; (2011), 171 - 181.
  2. C. Eccher, A. Seyfang, A. Ferro, S. Miksch: Updating a Protocol-Based Decision-Support System´s Knowledge Base: a Breast Cancer Case Study; in: "2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care", ECCAI, 2010, 109 - 118.
  3. K. Kaiser, A. Seyfang, S. Miksch: Identifying Actions Described in Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Semantic Relations; in: "KR4HC 2010 - 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care", A. ten Teije, D. Riano, M. Peleg, S. Miksch (ed.); (2010), 99 - 108.
  4. Claudio Eccher, Andreas Seyfang, Antonella Ferro, and Silvia Miksch: Bridging an Asbru Protocol to an Existing Electronic Patient Record. Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health-Care: Patient Data, Processes and Guidelines in conjunction with AIME 2009, Verona, 2009.
  5. Marco Rospocher, Claudio Eccher, Chiara Ghidini, Rakebul Hasan, Andreas Seyfang, Antonella Ferro, and Silvia Miksch: Collaborative Encoding of Asbru Clinical Protocols. Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health-Care: Patient Data, Processes and Guidelines in conjunction with AIME 2009, Verona, 2009.
  6. Claudio Eccher, Antonella Ferro, Andreas Seyfang, Marco Rospocher, and Silvia Miksch: Modeling Clinical Protocols using Semantic MediaWiki: the Case of the Oncocure Project; Workshop on Knowledge Management for Healthcare Processes at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2008.
  7. P. Votruba, A. Seyfang, M. Paesold, S. Miksch: "Improving the Execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains"; Vortrag: AI Techniques in Healthcare: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols, Trento, Italien; 28.08.2006; in: "AI Techniques in Healthcare: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols", A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, P. Lucas (Hrg.); European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence, (2006), pp. 112 - 116.
  8. J. Schmitt, W. Reif, A. Seyfang, S. Miksch: "Temporal Dimension of Medical Guidelines: The Semantics of Asbru Time Annotations"; in: "AI Techniques in Healthcare: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols", A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, P. Lucas (Hrg.); European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence, Trento, Italien, 2006, pp. 68 - 73.
  9. Miksch, S., Seyfang, A.; Kosara, R.: Plan Management: Supporting All Steps of Protocol Development and Deployment, in EUNITE Workshop on Intelligent Systems in Patient Care, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Vienna, 2001.
  10. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: Integrating Diagnosis and Treatment in a Flexible Way, in Bellazzi, R.; Zupan, B. (eds.): The Sixth Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP-2001), in Conjunction with the Conference on Medical Informatics (MedInfo 2001), 2001.
  11. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: Modelling Diagnosis and Treatment, in Second Workshop on Computers in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: Knowledge-Based Information Management, in Conjunction with the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2001), Cascais, Portugal, pp. 20-24, 2001.
  12. Miksch, S.; Kosara, R.; Seyfang, A.: Is Workflow Management Appropriate for Therapy Planning? in: First European Workshop on Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols (EWGLP-2000), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001.
  13. Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.; Popow C.: Abstraction and Representation of Repeated Patterns in High-Frequency Data in Nada Lavrac, Silvia Miksch (eds.): The Fifth Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP-2000), Workshop Notes of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2000), pp. 32-39, 2000.
  14. Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.: Finding Intuitive Abstractions of High-Frequency Data, in Workshop "Computers in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: Knowledge-Based Information Management", in conjunction with the Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making (AIMDM'99), Aalborg, Denmark, June 20, 13-26, 1999.

Contributions in Books

  1. A. Seyfang, M. Paesold, P. Votruba, S. Miksch: "Improving the execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains"; in: "Computer-based Medical Guidelines and Protocols: A Primer and Current Trends", A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, P. Lucas (ed.); IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-58603-873-1, 263 - 272.
  2. Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.; Horn, W.; Popow, C.; Paky, F.: Methods of Temporal Data Validation and Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains, in Cios K. (ed.), Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, pp. 320-357, 2001.

Refereed Abstracts

  1. M. Balser, O. Coltell, J. van Croonenborg, C. Duelli, F. van Harmelen, A. Jovell, P. Lucas, M. Marcos, S. Miksch, W. Reif, K. Rosenbrand, A. Seyfang, A. ten Teije: "Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods"; in: "Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004", J. Zvárová, P. Hanzlicek, J. Peleska, P. Precková, V. Svátek, Z. Valenta (Hrg.); EuroMISE, Prague, p. 81, 2004.
  2. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch: "Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution"; in: "Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004", J. Zvárová, P. Hanzlicek, J. Peleska, P. Precková, V. Svátek, Z. Valenta (Hrg.); EuroMISE, S. 94, 2004.
  3. P. Votruba, S. Miksch, A. Seyfang, R. Kosara: "Tracing the Formalization Steps of Textual Guidelines"; in: "Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004", J. Zvárová, P. Hanzlicek, J. Peleska, P. Precková, V. Svátek, Z. Valenta (Hrg.); EuroMISE, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 84, 2004.
  4. S. Miksch, C. Popow, A. Seyfang, A. Hallenberger, M. Urschitz-Duprat, M. Urschitz, W. Horn, I. Müller-Hansen, C. Poets: "Klinische Evaluation einer automatischen FiO2-Regelung bei beatmeten Frühgeborenen"; Poster: GNPI 2003, Köln; in: "29. Jahrestagung d. Ges. f. Neonatologie u. Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin", 2003.
  5. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: Modelling Diagnosis and Treatment, (Extended Abstract), International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 2002.
  6. Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: Die Modellierung von Therapieplänen und ihre Verknüpfung mit zeitbehafteten Patientendaten, in Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Medizinische Informatik", Wien, 2001.
  7. Urschitz, M.; Poets, C.; Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.; Horn, W.; Popow, C.: Konzept einer automatischen Anpassung des Sauerstoffbedarfs an die speziellen Bedürfnisse kleiner Frühgeborener, in Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde, 149(4), and Pneumologie, 55(4), 2001.
  8. Urschitz, M.; Poets, C.; Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.; Horn, W.; Popow, C.: Design of a Continuously Operating, Automated FiO2 Controller Using Advanced Pulse Oximetry, in Pediatric Research, 49, p. 358A, 2001.
  9. Seyfang, A.; Frech-Emmelmann, R.: The Austrian Initiative for Bio-Dynamical Grown Vegetable Seeds in Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W.; Niggli, U.: Proceedings of the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 2000.
  10. Kirchner L., Popow C., Horn W., Dobner M., Seyfang A., and Miksch S.: Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based System for Parenteral Nutrition Composition for Newborn Infants – Clinical Results, in Workshop "Computers in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: Knowledge-Based Information Management", in conjunction with the Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making (AIMDM'99), Aalborg, Denmark, June 20, 1999.
  11. Hammermüller, K.; Kosara, R.; Miksch, S.; Seyfang, A.; Duftschmid, G.: Therapieplanung mit Hilfe von medizinischen Leitlinien: Was ist möglich? - Am Beispiel des Asgaard Projektes, Symposium: Medizinische Experten- und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, Vienna, Austria, (Abstract), 1998.
  12. Popow, C.; Kirchner, L.; Horn, W.; Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: Klinische Erfahrungen mit einem wissensbasierten System zur Berechnung der parenteralen Ernährung von intensivbehandelten Früh- und Neugeborenen, Symposium: Medizinische Experten- und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, Vienna, Austria, (Abstract), 1998.
  13. Brandstetter, S.; Urschitz, M.; Popow, C.; Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.; Horn, W.: VIE-PNN, ein interaktives, wissensbasiertes System zur Berechnung der parenteralen Ernährung von Früh- und Neugeborenen, Symposium: Medizinische Experten- und wissensbasierte Systeme am AKH Wien, Vienna, Austria, (Abstract), 1996.

Master Thesis

Seyfang A.: Entwicklung eines Beratungssystems zur parenteralen Ernährung von Früh- und Neugeborenen, Institut für Medizinische Kybernetik u. AI, Universität Wien, Diplomarbeit, 1996.

Miscellaneous Scientific and Technical Reports

  1. A. Seyfang: Bericht von der Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) 2007. ÖGAI-Journal 4/2007, pp. 24-26, 2007.
  2. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch, P. Votruba: "Specification of AsbruLight"; 2004.
  3. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch, P. Votruba, K. Rosenbrand, J. Wittenberg, J. van Croonenborg, W. Reif, M. Balser, J. Schmitt, T. von der Weide, P. Lucas, A. Hommersom: "MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Guideline Formats"; 2004.
  4. M. Peleg, S. Miksch, A. Seyfang et al.: "Comparing Computer-Interpretable Guideline Models: A Case-Study Approach (Part 1 of 2)"; 2002.
  5. M. Peleg, S. Miksch, A. Seyfang et al.: "Comparing Computer-Interpretable Guideline Models: A Case-Study Approach (Part 2 of 2)"; 2002.
  6. A. Seyfang, S. Miksch: "Asgaard's Contribution to the Guideline Representation Comparison"; 2002.
  7. Seyfang, A.; Kosara, R.; Miksch, S.: Asbru 7.3 Reference Manual, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Software Technology, 2002.
  8. Roomans, H., Berger, G., Marcos, M., ten Teije, A.; Seyfang, A. and van Harmelen, F.: Asbru Protocol for the Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Healthy Term Newborn. Technical Report IR-495, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
  9. Seyfang, A.: Bericht von einigen Treffen in London im September 2001, ÖGAI-Journal 4/2001, pp. 28-30, 2001.
  10. Brandstetter, S.; Kirchner, L.; Popow, C.; Urschitz, M.; Horn, W.; Seyfang, A.; Miksch, S.: VIE-PNN: Ein interaktives, wissensbasiertes System zur Berechnung der parenteralen Ernährung von Früh- und Neugeborenen, in ÖGAI-Journal 4/97, Schwerpunkt AI in der Medizin, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence, 1997.
  11. Kirchner L., Popow C., Horn W., Dobner M., Seyfang A., Miksch S.: Clinical experience with VIE-PNN, a knowledge-based system for planning the parenteral nutrition of newborn infants, Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-98-31, 1998.
  12. Horn W., Popow C., Miksch S., Seyfang A.: Integrating a Knowledge-Based System for Parenteral Nutrition of Neonates into a Clinical Intranet, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, TR-97-09, 1997.