US STATE DEPARTMENT: ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS POSE THREAT TO INTERESTS OF KOSOVO ALBANIANS BELGRADE, March 13, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Slabynko/. Extremist actions of Albanians are a tremendous blow to the interests of Kosovo Albanians and an obstacle to the international effort to support Kosovo, said US State Department Special Envoy in the Balkans James Perdue at today's press conference in Skopje, Macedonia. In Perdue's opinion, a handful of extremists and criminal elements is doing serious damage to the future of Albanians living in Kosovo, Macedonia and the southern part of Serbia. Having announced that the USA condemns all forms of Albanian extremism, he added that, hopefully, the world community, the United States and Macedonia would be able to solve the problem, since the majority of Albanians in Macedonia collaborate with the authorities. The envoy is resolved to demand that Albanian leaders in Macedonia be more active in cooperating with the country's authorities and thus putting an end to extremist activities.