ONE SERVICEMAN WAS KILLED AND TWO WOUNDED IN ARMED INCIDENTS AT THE BORDER BETWEEN MACEDONIA AND YUGOSLAVIA IN THE AREA OF KOSOVO BELGRADE, March 4. /RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Slabynko/. One Macedonian serviceman was killed and two badly wounded in armed incidents on Sunday at the Macedonian-Yugoslav border in the area of Kosovo. The first tragedy happened in the morning, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports. A jeep of the Macedonian security forces hit a mine when patrolling the area near the village of Tanusevci which is controlled by armed Albanians. For two hours the KFOR helicopters were unable to come close to the place of the incident due to the heavy fire by Albanian separatists. One of the servicemen was badly hit by sniper fire from the village of Tanusevci. According to the information from Skopje, the serviceman is still in coma. In connection with a new series of provocations by Albanian extremists in the area of the border, Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski convened a session of the security council. -O- (kos/ter) 04/03/01 17:25