THE OCCIDENT INTENTIONALLY ENLARGES THE PROBLEM OF THE MILITARY CO-OPERATION OF RUSSIA WITH IRAN MOSCOW March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). According to the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov, the Occident gives knowingly to the related questions has the co-operation technico-soldier between Russia and Iran of dimensions which they do not have. It is what the head of Russian diplomacy A declares with the journalists has the exit of the talks that it had in the Kremlin with Iranian president Mohamad Khatemi. " the co-operation technico-soldier is an element of the co-operation of our countries and that which one observes between the other States, and there is nothing extraordinary here ", said Igor Ivanov. In his opinion, the attempts to place in the being referred foreground the purpose of the only questions has the co-operation technico-soldier are to throw a shade on the relations Russo-Iranian women which, to take again the minister, are developpent in a harmonious and dynamic way. Igor Ivanov has rappele that the Russian president had states on this subject that the co-operation technico-soldier between Russia and Iran will have dimensions which will necessitera the defensive capacity of Iran and will not be prejudiciable has any third country.