CHINA SE PRONOUNCES AGAINST ANTI-MISSILE PROGRAM AMERICAIN PEKIN, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Issaiev). China " will not allow has anybody to weaken his legitimes means autodefense and in any circumstance it will not give up has the latter ". It is what comes from declarer the director of the Department of control of the armaments and desarmement of the Chinese ministry of the Businesses etrangeres Sha Zukang, by stressing that it was there about one of the fundamental principles of the Chinese national security. Representant Chinese ministry of the Businesses etrangeres intervened during a press conference consacree has the position of China with respect to the national anti-missile program (NMD) americain. In this respect, the high Chinese diplomat places A stresses that Pekin did not wish a confrontation between China and the United States about system NMD americain, just like it was against an arms race between the two countries. Diplomat A declares that China did not grant any credit to the assertions according to which system NMD americain will be put at the service of peace and the security and that it considered same that he will call into question his security. According to him, the implementation of the anti-missile program americain " will have very many retombees negative for the international security ". This program will creera a danger to total strategic stability, it will sap confidence and the co-operation between the great world powers, A underlines the diplomat. The withdrawal of the United States of Draft ABM (anti-missile defense) and the deployment of system NMD will break balance between the great powers of the world and will subject has a risk engraves the security of the other States, pointed out Sha Zukang. " It will follow a montee of suspicion and mefiance between the great powers, delabrement of the system of coordination and co-operation as regards international security ", has it says. Moreover, has releve the Chinese diplomat, the deployment of system NMD will slow down the process of control of the armaments and will declenchera a new climbing of the arms race, including in space, and will sap the mode of non-proliferation of the nuclear weapons. " If we are against system NMD, it is not because we want to threaten the security of the United States with our nuclear weapons, A underlines Sha Zukang. We wish quite simply that the reciproque policy of dissuasion from the two countries be able to be continued ".