RUSSIAN SPACE STATION " MIR " WILL BE NOYEE IN THE OCEAN BEFORE MARCH 22 TOKYO, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). The Russian space station " Mir " will be noyee in the southern Pacific between the 20 and March 22. The Russian part in A informs the Nipponese government, according to the agency Kyodo Tsushin. Russia A also announces that the engines of the station will be immobilize until A what it descends on an orbit 220 km. At present it is on an orbit of some 245 km. Three " impulses mortals " will be given has the station whereas it carries out its derniere evolution to reduce it in the dense layers from the Earth's atmosphere. Moscow and Tokyo got along on the presence of Japanese experts in the Center of control of the space flights has Korolev (area of Moscow) during the operation of descent of " Mir ". March 8, a governmental committee of coordination has ete set up at Japan, which will supervise the desorbitalisation of the space station. It east composes of representants of the secretariat of the cabinet of the ministers, the ministries for Defense, the Businesses etrangeres, Teaching and other departments. The committee will have to analyze the data provided by the Russian government and the other sources, as well as informing the Japanese opinion of the destruction of " Mir ".