THESE THE FIRST TWO MONTHS OF 2001, THE PLAN OF ACCUMULATION OF ENTIRELY ACCOMPLISHED BUDGET A ETE MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Balynina). These the first two months of the year, the government entirely achieved the plan of accumulation of the budget-2001, A declares the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Alexei Koudrine by speaking with the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament). According to Koudrine, in January-February 2001, the federal budget received 199 billion roubles (a US dollar is equivalent has approximately 28 roubles). That is dOe, for much, has the increase in the receipts coming from income tax. " We note this positive tendency with pleasure ", pointed out the Deputy Prime Minister. These the first two months of the year, the government has depense 214 billion roubles, by using for the majority the budget revenue restees since 2000, A indicates Koudrine. " In short, I am certain that this year, the government will be able not only executer the stable budget of way, but also to refund the debts exterieures according to the calendar ", summarized Alexei Koudrine.