GEORGE BUSH SATISFIED EAST THAT RUSSIA IS DISPOSEE TO SUPPORT AN ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM OF DEFENSE FOR EUROPE WASHINGTON, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The president of the United States George Bush " has happy ete " by learning that Russia was prete " has to take part has the installation of an anti-missile system of defense " for Europe. It is what the spokesman of the White House Ari Fleischer A declares Tuesday. According to him, the position of Russia confirms the opinion of the other countries according to which it is necessary of creer systems " defensifs " and systems " ABM " and it is well like George Bush " has interprete the declarations precedentes of Russia on system (European) ABM ". Ari Fleischer also pointed out that George Bush " continues to estimate that America must carry out an anti-missile program so that it can proteger it-same and its combine against the " States bet " which can obtain ballistic technologies allowing them to carry damage has our interests ". The spokesman of White House A declares that the will of the United States of deployer an anti-missile system of defense aimed to draw aside " the danger which planes on the whole world " and which George Bush " always estimates " that this demarche is necessary taking into account the dissemination of the armaments and of military technologies everywhere in the world and of the perils which pesent " on our country and our combine ".