THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOWER HOUSE AND THE PRESIDENT RUSSIAN DISCUSS THE FATE OF SPACE STATION " MIR " MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Filippova). The president of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) Guennadi Seleznev and president Vladimir Poutine have discusses the proposal of the deputes has to re-examine the decision of detruire the orbiting station " Mir ". Guennadi Seleznev A announces Wednesday holds a meeting pleniere of Douma in answer has a question of the depute communist Vladimir Volkov, without preciser when this maintenance had taken place. There is nearly one month, Douma A recommends to the president and to the government Russian to re-examine the decision on the fate of the orbiting station " Mir " which will be noyee in the Pacific Ocean.