A REPRESENTANT OF PALESTINIAN DIRECTION A INVITES ISRAEL TO TAKE AGAIN THE NEGOTIATIONS TEL-CAviv, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Pravov). Jibril Rajub, head of the Palestinian service of security in the West Bank, A invites Israel has to take again the negotiations immediately. According to Rajub, only the negotiations can put fine A israelo-Palestinian confrontation. The Palestinian services of security take energetic measures to reduce the number of incidents weapons on the Palestinian territories and to exclude the possibility from terrorist acts. According to Jibril Rajub, it is thanks to these measurements that the number of confrontations between Palestinians and soldiers israeliens A decreases these days. It also has dementi the information according to which a terrorist act has to make on the territory of Israel was in the process of preparation has Ramallah. Malgre the declaration of Jibril Rajub, several confrontations between Palestinians and soldiers israeliens took place this night in the sector of Gaza and in the West Bank. According to information, the blockade of Ramallah somewhat weakened, but all the cars which come out of the city are thoroughly fouillees at the monitoring stations israeliens. The autorites israeliennes fear new confrontations in the area of Ramallah, because this Wednesday east proclaims " Day of ire " as a sign of protest against the mode of insulation of the city.