THE VISIT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF RUSSIA IS A PROLOGUE IN THE RELATIONS BETWEEN MOSCOW AND WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The talks which I will have has Washington will be to some extent a prologue in the relationships of Russia with the new administration americaine, A declares the secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Serguei Ivanov, by starting its visit in the United States. It has advertisement that during meetings which it was going to have with the conseillere of the president for the national security, Condollezza Rice, and the Secretary of State americain, Colin Powell, the parts will lean " on a vast circle of related questions has the international security ". Serguei Ivanov A expresses the hope which these contacts " will make it possible to arrive has what the Russo-americains ratios batissent in the spirit of pragmatism and the previsibilite which is clean by taking into account interests for them reciproques and problems which enter the concept of international security ". Serguei Ivanov has advertisement which it was arrives has Washington on the invitation of Condoleezza Rice and which beginning it had been appropriate with it that there would be no agenda precis. At all events, pointed out the secretary of the Security Council, it is probable that strategic stability, the non-proliferation, the regionaux conflicts as well as the relations bilaterales will appear among the questions which will be debattues during discussions with Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. They will be not negotiations, but to some extent an explanation of the reciproques positions, including personal positions ", A underlines Serguei Ivanov by adding that the meeting with Condoleezza Rice will allow preciser the parameters of the Russo-americain dialogue taking into account the departure of the democrats of the White House and accession the capacity of the administration republicaine of George Bush. As well as the secretary of the Security Council pointed out, the next meetings will also make it possible the parts " to throw a glance in the master key " so as to apprecier " what had ete made with the democrats and what it is possible to continue and same to multiply and what it is necessary to set up on a new base ".