IRANIAN PRESIDENT MOHAMMAD KHATAMI A TAKEN SHARE A THE PRAYER OF THE EVENING IN THE LARGE MOSQUEE OF MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Iranian president Mohammad Khatami took share Tuesday has the prayer of the evening in Large the mosquee of Moscow or it then spoke in front of the faithful ones. In its intervention, it A expresses its recognition with the Russian leaders for the respect of which they temoignent with the representants various confessions which live in Russia. The Iranian president has appele the Moslems of Russia has to reinforce the unit with the representants other religions. " In the countries with the multiple confessions, the Moslems must of preserver their traditions and their culture. But they must also aspire has what the State or they lives is prospere and economically powerful ", A underlines Mohammad Khatami. The president of the Council of the muftis of Russia, the sheik Ravil Gainoutdine A thanks for its part the Iranian president for having taken share has the prayer of the evening. " That made an enormous pleasure with faithful of having requests with the dimension of a host of mark ", said Ravil Gainoutdine.