MACEDOINE A REQUESTS THE ASSISTANCE OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF UNO BECAUSE OF A DETERIORATION OF THE SITUATION IN THE NORTH OF THE COUNTRY BELGRADE, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Slabynko /. the President of Macedoine, Boris Trajkovski, A requests the assistance of the Security Council of UNO because of a deterioration of the situation in the North of the country. As states it the President macedonien, the Albanian terrorists, naming Armee main road of release, do not cease widening the face of their actions has Are and have the West of the village of Tanusevci which they had under their control until A the day of yesterday. They push also always more has the interior of Macedoine. Tuesday, of the intellectuals of the country have address a special letter with the ambassadors of the Member States of NATO and European Union (UE), by stressing that the actions of the Albanian terrorists menacaient the souverainete and the territorial integrite of Macedoine, but more especially all the area of Balkans. The extremists obviously assign for objective to make disparaitre the State macedonien and to modify the borders in Balkans, reads one in the letter in question. The intellectual elite of the country exhorte the international community has " to save a small State or nationalist passions never have ete attisees ". In same time, the armee macedonienne procede has cleanings of the ground has the border with Kosovo. According to information coming from Skopje, it is still, in this zone, of the groups of Albanian terrorists who run. The greatest concentrations are signalees in the villages of Brest and Malino. At present, the units of the ministry for the Interior of Macedoine are there carrying out their operation. The spokesman of the ministry for Defense A confirms that sporadic shootings had there continues all the night derniere, whereas A present, troops started the second phase of the operation planifiee to retablir the mode of border.