THE COUNCIL OF THE FEDERATION WILL BE FORMLESS PREPARATION OF THE REMONTEE OF THE " KOURSK " MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Venediktov). Viktor Ozerov, president of the committee of security and defense of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), will inform Wednesday the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Parliament) of the preparation of the remontee of the atomic submarine " Koursk ". According to Ozerov, during its recent voyage has Brussels, it has meeting the leaders of the Funds European which collects means for the remontee of the " Koursk ". The Funds works rather vigorously, because the time of the operation of remontee of the " Koursk " depend of obtaining the necessary sum. Viktor Ozerov let know that it would also inform Wednesday the members of the Council of the Federation of the implementation of the agreement concluded between the governments from Russia and of the United States on the use of the uranium highly enriched degage by the nuclear weapons. The agreement on the use of the uranium highly enriched sign on February 18, 1993 prevoit supply in the United States by 500 tons uranium highly enriched degage by the Russian nuclear weapons. The United States transforms uranium highly enriched into slightly enriched uranium which will be uses with the nuclear power stations americaines.