THESE DERNIERES 24 HOURS, RUSSIAN STATION " MIR " EAST GONE DOWN FROM 2 KILOMETRES AND SE FIND ON AN ORBIT OF 243,6 KM KOROLEV (area of Moscow), March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyrev). These dernieres 24 hours, the Russian space station " Mir " is descended from some 2 kilometres and is currently on an orbit of 243,6 km. The specialists of the Center of control of the space flights (TSOUP) have advertisement that for 48 hours, the station had gone down from 2 kilometres per day. Monday, the TSOUP started the computer of edge of " Mir " and Tuesday, there is load a control program. The station always goes has the derive one what makes it possible to save its fuel which will be uses for desorbiter " Mir " when it reaches the average altitude of 220 km, during the time between the 18 and next 21 March, have note the specialists. " the systems of the station loads of its desorbitalisation function normally and are controls permanently ", according to TSOUP'S.