THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE FEDERATION OF RUSSIA, SERGUEI IVANOV, LEFT FOR THE UNITED STATES MOSCOW, March 13. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Olga Semenova /. Tuesday, before taking the plane has destination of Washington, the secretary of the Security Council of the Federation of Russia, Serguei Ivanov, has espere well that its visit of work will contribute has to stabilize the relations between Russia and the United States. As learns it the service from press of the Security Council of the Federation of Russia, Serguei Ivanov A insists on " the necessite to do the utmost so that the Russo-americaines relations are stable and pragmatic, that they are organized taking into account the interests reciproques and of this responsibility which falls have our two countries ". According to the secretary of the Security Council of the Federation of Russia, which has already ete made as regards relationship between the United States and Russia has the arrival with the capacity of the new administration americaine, including an exchange of messages and a telephone conversation between Presidents of the two countries, " allows a certain optimism ". " I espere well, A declares Serguei Ivanov, that this visit will be useful, it also, has to promote the contacts regular and profitable between Russia and the USA, contacts aiming has to reinforce confidence and mutual comprehension between the two countries ". " I think that we must exploit all the possibilities to progress even more in order to be able to jointly define the priorities and the parameters of our co-operation, to make demarrer for good a dialogue bilateral on the whole of the agenda and has all the levels ", A underlines Serguei Ivanov. And there, estimates it, it would be very significant to organize, within the best times, the premiere meets between Presidents of Russia and the United States. The programme of this visit of work of the secretary of the Security Council of the Federation of Russia, visits which will take place from here next 16 March, prevoit of the meetings of Serguei Ivanov with the Colin Powell, Secretary of State americain, and assistant for the national security of the US President, Condoleezza Rice.