THE GOVERNMENT CHOOSES THE PROMOTION OF A HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE LIKE AVERAGE ESSENCE OF FIGHT AGAINST DRUG-ADDICTION MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Went Issaieva). The promotion of a healthy way of life among youth must become the principal means of fight against the extension of drug-addiction, have notes the participants holds the meeting of the governmental commission chargee to fight the consumption of the stupefiants and their illicit sale. The Russian Minister for Health Youri Chevtchenko has advertisement which the commission considered it necessary to stress the prevention of drug-addiction. The Members of the Commission estimate that it is necessary to adopt the federal program finalizes " physical education and the health of the children, the teenagers and youth ". Its project has jointly ete prepare by the Committee of State to the sport with the ministries for Health and the Instruction. For the Minister for health, the bodies of maintenance of law and order must take drastic measures with respect to those which diffuse the stupefiants. It pointed out that drug-addiction was a fleau for the entire world and that it did not have saving Russia.