THE RUSSIAN PRESS BARON VLADIMIR GOUSSINSKI TRANSFERE IN A PRISON OF THE SURROUNDINGS OF MADRID MADRID, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Juan Kobo). The chairman of the Russian holding of press " Media-Most ", Vladimir Goussinski, arrete by the Spanish autorites in December of the year derniere, has ete transfere has the prison of " Soto-cLed-Real ", in the suburbs madrilene. Next Thursday an audience of the court will be held in the Spanish capital to examine the request for extradition of the press baron deposee by the general Parquet floor of Russia. Pronunciation the day before of the judgement, the Room penale, which is the higher authority of the legal Room of Spain, has decide to modify the measurement of preventive intervention has the regard of Vladimir Goussinski. In accordance with this decision the press baron, which up to now was in residence surveillee, has ete incarcere. The legal bodies made this decision to avoid any risk of escape of accuses. In the arrete of the court it east indicates that " considering the great financial possibilities of Vladimir Goussinski and being gives that in addition to Russian nationality it possede also nationality israelienne, the risks to see accuses it enfreindre the restrictions imposees by the court always have ete large ". Vladimir Goussinski has ete arrete by the Spanish autorites in December 2000 in his villa of Sotogrande on the request of the Russian legal bodies. The 2001 day before, Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon had decide to modify the measurement of preventive intervention and aurorise Vladimir Goussinski has to be in residence surveillee in bond Spanish of a billion pesetas (5,5 million dollars).