THE IMF WORKS OUT A PROGRAMME OF CO-OPERATION WITH RUSSIA FOR 2001 WASHINGTON, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Funds Monetary International (the IMF) works on a programme of co-operation with Russia for 2001 which will concern above all reform them structural, has advertisement Tuesday, at the time of a point of press, the director of the department of the links exterieurs of the IMF, Tom Dawson. The idee that this program spreads out on one year will be followed of a long-term program, " is rather logical, but no agreement appropriee intervened up to now ", according to Tom Dawson. Moreover, the development of a long-term program could be one of the ways of co-operation between the IMF and Russia ", A underlines the director. Monday, the vice-First minister and Russian Minister for Finances, Alexei Koudrine, has advertisement that the program of Russia-FMI co-operation for the current year practically had ete concerts except certain technical questions. After the approval of the program, the parts will procederont has the dialogue of a program of FMI-Russia co-operation spreads out over three years, let know Alexei Koudrine.