IRANIAN PRESIDENT SE STATES PREOCCUPE IN FRONT OF THE SITUATION ON THE TERRITORIES PALESTINIANS MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anna Wound). Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami east states preoccupe in front of the situation which prevaut on the Palestinian territories. Nearly a million Palestinians have ete huntings of their houses and of many Western countries always keep silence, emphasized the Iranian leader in front of the students of the University of the international relations of Moscow (MGIMO). The principal spot of the State is to ensure freedom, independence and the development of the personality, estimates Mohammad Khatami. Being the relationship between freedom and justice, Iranian president A indicates that this problem was not a historical factor for Russia, Iran, Asia, America and Europe. On the contrary, today it is one of the key problems, a challenge " has our mentalite ", has it notes. Sayed Mohammad Khatami is one of the authors of the design of the " dialogue between the cultures and civilizations ". The president emphasized the importance of such a dialogue and his cle role in the development of civilization monderne.