THE PRIME MINISTER INVITES TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE TRAFFIC OF DRUG MOSCOW, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The traffic of drug became immense extensive in Russia, which represente a reelle threat for the health of the citizens and the future of the country, A declares the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov while opening, Tuesday, the premiere meeting of this year of the governmental commission of fight against the abuses the stupefiants and the traffic of drug. Kassianov estimates that, to fight this evil, it is necessary to mobilize all the resources not only legal bodies but also of the company as a whole. According to the Prime Minister, the " nonmedical " consumption of the stupefiants increased these dernieres years in Russia of more than 20 times. 450 000 drug addicts are officially record at 1 last January but this figure does not correspond has the state reel things, A underlines Kassianov. Drug-addiction causes the diffusion of the corollary diseases like the AIDS and the hepatite, has it indicates. According to forecasts' of the experts, if the situation does not change, the number of carriers of the virus of the AIDS can reach, from here A 2005, a million, said the Prime Minister. The propagation of drug-addiction among the young people causes a inquietude particuliere, because the health of the future generations is menacee, A underlines the Prime Minister. The leaning one for the consumption of drug is propagated large cities has the periphery. According to the estimates of the legal bodies, the traffic of drug brings back to the " big businessmen per annum criminal " 70 billion dollars, said Mikhail Kassianov. " Russia became not only one country of transit of drug, but also an immense functioning of consumption of stupefiants ", has it underlines. The legal bodies made much to fight this evil. The year derniere, more than 50 tons of stupefiants and psychotropic substances have ete seized, but that constitutes only 50% of all the traffic of drug, pointed out the Prime Minister. Empecher their propagation is the spot not only legal bodies, continued Mikhail Kassianov. Many things dependent, according to him, of an active policy social, rehabilitation prophylactic and medico-social of the patients, which necessite the coordination of the actions of the bodies of medicine, teaching, social protection, culture and organizations sporting, estimates it. " It should not be admitted that drug-addiction becomes an alternative to the healthy way of life, the State must reunir conditions or premisses are crees for the healthy way of life A all the stages of the life of the young people ", A declares Mikhail Kassianov. The company must help the patients reached of drug-addiction has to fight this evil, estimates the Prime Minister. The participants holds the meeting of the governmental commission have examines, inter alia, the implementation of the federal programme of fight against the propagation of the stupefiants and the traffic of drug.