A CONFERENCE " THE REGIONAL POLICY OF FEDERATION OF RUSSIA " OMSK, March 13. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Iouri Belov). Omsk (chief town of the area siberienne of the same name) accomodated for two days a scientific and practical conference " the regional policy and the federatifs reports/ratios of Federation of Russia ". Y take share of the representants of the presidentielle administration, the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament), of the ministry for the Businesses of the federation and nationalities, as well as representants of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The participation of European observers is explained by the attention why carries the Council of Europe for the creation of a system of local autoadministration to Russia. The participants will debattront problems of the social and economic disproportion of the territories of the Russian areas, problems of the extrabudgetaires reports/ratios and division of the capacities between the bodies of the capacity of State.