THE GOVERNMENTAL ARRETE ON THE REINFLATION OF SUBMARINE " KOURSK " WILL BE SIGN IN THE ONE WEEK SPACE MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski /. the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov espere that the governmental arrete on the organization of the operation of reinflation of the submarine nucleaire " Koursk " which had dark in aoOet last at sea of Barents will be sign in the one week space. With its opinion, this arrete will definira the diagram of financing of work and the governmental guarantees on the financing of the expenses of the international consortium institutes for the reinflation of the submarine, if the Funds " Koursk " " realise of the results in deca of the necessary sums ". These means will be prevus by the budget of the next year, has precise Ilia Klebanov. Being the expiries, the Deputy Prime Minister A stresses that the government always had speaks about the end of aoOet or of the beginning of September. " This expiry is closest ", has it adds. One never has evokes July " for lack of technical possibilities ", A still indicates Ilia Klebanov.