A ILIOUCHINE-96 SE POSES IN URGENCY A THE AIRPORT OF CHEREMETIEVO-2 MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Iliouchine-96 is installation Sunday evening in urgency has the Muscovite airport of Cheremetievo-2 without making victims. Sunday, has 17h13 (Moscow time), the commander of the flight 600 Seoul-Moscow has alarm the air-traffic controllers of the airport of a breakdown " in the fourth hydraulic system " of its Iliouchine-96. The plane landed without problems has 17h18. The 170 passengers and 16 members of crew left indemnes the accident, has advertisement Monday the service of press of the font of air transports. At present, the terrestrial services of the airport establish the causes of the failure, according to the service of press.