VLADIMIR POUTINE: EC IS ONLY TOGETHER THAT ONE CAN BUILD THE EQUITABLE WORLD COMMAND MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The ambassadors of Finland, from Syria, from Mauritania, from Portugal, of Guinee, from Morocco, of Nepal, South-African Republic, Paraguay and Malta gave Monday, with the Large Palate of the Kremlin, their letters of accreditation to the Russian president. Russia " has a firm intention to have friendly relations with all the members of the international community ", A declares Vladimir Poutine. " There cannot be spots and secondary shutters for Russia ", has it underlines. " the partnership of equal A equal in the interest of stability on our planet is the absolute priority of our policy exterieure ", emphasized the Russian president. The Russian autorites are persuadees that it is " particularly significant to use the collective approaches and concertees payment of the international problems " under the conditions of universalization, according to Vladimir Poutine. The head of State emphasized the necessite to reinforce UNO and other influential international forums in order to find " reponses effective with the new challenges of the current time ", has to know the proliferation of the weapons of massive destruction, the militarization of space, terrorism, the international criminalite, the traffic of drug. " No country, whatever its political and economic priorities and its geographic situation, will be saving of these threats ", estimates the president. It is only "en concerting our efforts which we will be able to build an equitable world command which would be a base of the development securitaire and dynamics of civilization in the third millenaire ", has Poutine note. The Russian leader east declares himself certain that the activity of the new ambassadors in Russia would contribute " to the development ulterior of the multiform links in the interest of our countries and of all the world community ".