RUSSIA WILL TRY ARRETER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS AMERICAINS OF NMD MOSCOW, March 12. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov, Anna Wound /. Russia will menera consultations with the countries of Europe and other countries to try aiming arreter the realization of the plans of the United States have to set up their national system of anti-missile defense (NMD), same if Americains start has deployer this system ", A declares Monday the head of the Management of international military co-operation of the ministry for Defense Leonid Ivachov. Russia, continued the general colonel, " by taking asymetric measures in response to the deployment by the United States of their NMD, will try arreter this process ". " One counts in same time has Moscow that the administration americaine will go early or late account of the inutilite of a national system of anti-missile defense ", A underlines the soldier. Russia is not calmee by the declarations of the new administration americaine according to which the NMD would be limiting, A indicates the general one before recalling that the United States tries to undertake work for creer so-called " the level space of the national system of anti-missile defense ". With the question of knowing if Russia were prete has to take " military measures " vis-a-vis with the americains projects of NMD, Leonid Ivachov answered that Moscow " does not have for the moment not such plans ". Russia, has it says, will use " the political, economic and diplomatic potential, as well it his as that of other States ", not to admit such an unfavourable scenario. Russia " will take measures which are essential " only on the moment or the realization of the americains projects of NMD will creera an unfavourable international context for it, has it precise. The Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and the Secretary of State Colin Powell are agreed to belong soon to the consultations on the problems of anti-missile defense and of the limitation of the offensive armaments, said the general one. Moscow, has it in particular indicates, will seek has to convince the United States which there are different means of ensuring their national safety.