DEMENTI OF THE INFORMATION ACCORDING TO WHICH RUSSIA WOULD HAVE COMMAND A GERMANY OF BEEF MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Venediktov). The president of the commission on the technical assistance and humane of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament) Nikolai Volodine, president of the consulting of the deputes of the people of the area of Orel, A qualifies nonsenses completes information diffusees by certain mediae according to which Russia would have master key a significant ordering of beef has Germany. He made this statement Monday in an interview accordee has RIA " Novosti ". Nikolai Volodine also forms part of the governmental commission on the technical assistance and humane dirigee by the vice-Premiere minister Valentina Matvienko. " It never has ete question " has the Upper House nor has the governmental commission to buy beef has Germany, has he underlines.