VLADIMIR POUTINE ON ENGAGEMENTS OF RUSSIA CONCERNING THE COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A POWER STATION NUCLEAIRE IN IRAN MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). Russian president Vladimir Poutine A confirms the intention of Russia to respect his engagements concerning the construction of a power station nucleaire has Bouchehr. He has it advertisement Monday has a press conference donnee at the end of the discussions with his Iranian counterpart Sayed Mohamad Khatemi. The completion of work has the power station east delays for technical reasons liees with the non-observance of their engagements by the Russian and Iranian partners. One goes remedier has this situation, A ensures Vladimir Poutine. The Russian president said that Iran wished to widen the co-operation in energy nucleaire and that Russia was prete has to take part has all the invitations to tender in Iran. All the activities of Russia in the field of energy the nucleaire are in conformity with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and are done under its control, held has to underline Vladimir Poutine.