CO-OPERATION TECHNICO-MILITAIRE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Igor Sergueiev, Minister Russian for Defense, will have a meeting, the morning of March 14, with the vice-admiral Ali Shamkhani, head of the Iranian department of defense, which east arrives today has Moscow with an Iranian governmental delegation. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee by one representant of the Russian ministry of Defense. According to Igor Sergueiev, " it will be a meeting privee ". During their maintenance, the ministers plan to give a great attention has the implementation of the agreements on the resumption and the development of the co-operation technico-soldier occurred during the official visit effectuee by Igor Sergueiev in Iran in December 2000. " the co-operation technico-soldier between Russia and Iran is not dirigee against third countries and represente not a threat for the security and stability in the area ", A underlines representant it of the ministry for Defense. Leonid Ivachov, head of the principal Department of international military co-operation of the ministry for the Defense of the Federation of Russia, A declares: " In this moment, military co-operation and technico-soldier between Russia and Iran developpe rather well ". " Moscow and Teheran are mutually interesses have the training of specialists, have the maintenance of the materiel of war and the weapons of Russian manufacture which equip the Iranian forces armees, as with the supplies has Iran of new modeles of armaments authorize by international engagements of Russia ", A indicates the military head. The re-establishment of the co-operation technico-soldier Russo-Iranian woman has ete returned possible thanks to the withdrawal of Russia of the Gore-Tchernomyrdine memorandum, pointed out general Ivachov. Russia does not have sign since 1905 of comparable similar document has the ultimatum. When this memorandum was in force, Russia could not provide has Iran not only armaments, but also of the products of double destination, whereas Americains reservaient the right to strike Russia of sanctions and to qualify these products of soldiers or civil, said general Ivachov. Commenting on the inquietude of the United States in front of the resumption of the co-operation technico-soldier Russo-Iranian woman, Ivachov A stresses that the materiel aeronautic americaine manufacture, whose are equipees the air forces of Iran, " is in the sky ". According to him, subsets and spare parts for the materiel aeronautic americain arrive regularly to Iran by the intermediaire of third countries and the firm-screens. In same time, " all the materiel aeronautic of Russian manufacture which equips the Iranian air forces finds on the ground, because Russia A rigorously respects the clauses of the Gore-Tchernomyrdine memorandum ", A underlines the military head. In addition to the development of the co-operation technico-soldier, Igor Sergueiev and Ali Shamkhani will examine the problems of the fight against terrorism and the separatism, having in sight above all the threat which emanates from Afghanistan for the security of Russia, Iran and other countries of the area. The ministers will exchange their views on the relative questions has the widening of NATO has Is, with the Russian proposals of creer nonstrategic anti-missile defense, as with the reinforcement of the mode of non-proliferation of the weapons of massive destruction and ballistic technologies.