THE PRESIDENTS OF RUSSIA AND IRAN HAVE ADOPTS THE JOINT DECLARATION ON THE CASPIAN ONE MOSCOW, March 12. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). With the exit of the negotiations Russo-Iranian women at the top which had place has Moscow, the presidents of the two countries Vladimir Poutine and Sayed Mohammad Khatami has adopts the joint declaration on the legal statute of the Caspian one. The parts " declarent to the point that they are against construction, on sea-bed, of pipelines and of gas pipelines transcaspiens which are dangerous from the ecological point of view under the conditions of geodynamic extremement activates ". Russia and Iran declarent that the Caspian one must be utilisee only has peaceful ends. " the presence on the Caspian one of the forces armees of the nonbordering States of Caspian is inadmissible ", reads one in the document. The declaration also states that the Caspian one and its resources are the common prerogative of the five bordering States which possedent the exclusive rights has this single water part in its kind. These five States are Russia, Iran, Azerbaidjan, Turkmenie and Kazakhstan.